Email Update Strike Ballot May 17 2023


Ballot for council and school workers opens in England and Wales on 23 May 2023
YES or No please make your mark, please VOTE and return your Ballot

Dear member, 

Please find below a timeline for the NJC ballot, showing key dates. Ballot papers will be posted on 23rd May, sent to your home address. The poster explains what you should do if you don't receive a ballot paper by 5th June. 

As agreed by members, the trade union side asked for a 12.7% pay rise. Employers have offered £1,925, below inflation. UNISON has recommended that members reject the offer and are balloting on industrial action. Where do you stand? The most important thing is that you return your ballot paper, so the views of all members are represented.

It's really important that your UNISON contact details are up-to-date - your address, your email address, your telephone number. We will be sharing vital information with you over the next couple of months. You can check your membership details online using the button below.

Please share this information with your colleagues - new members who join by 21st June will be eligible to vote.

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